Even after extended play I didn't find it as noticeable with the PS VR, but the quality of the screen is always going to be a limitation. One of my gripes with the HTC Vive is the prominence of the screen-door effect, where visible geometric shapes are like spots in front of your eyes.
Using the machine pistol in London Heist feels like you can really pinpoint targets, tyres, windows and headshots, and you can put spin on the ball in Danger Ball with a twitch of your neck. Once you're comfortable with the headest you'll find that tracking works well and accuracy seems spot on for the helmet, Move controllers and DualShock 4. In terms of space, you'll only need to sit about two meters from the camera, which seems reasonable in our tiny European houses. If any of those aren't your headset or controller, you're going to need to switch them off or cover them up. There's a neat VR menu option to Confirm Your Position which shows bright lights on screen as dark colours. If not you'll notice the screen wobbles when you're not moving, but it's an easy problem to correct. When it comes to tracking your position, the PS camera uses the lights on the headset, DualShock 4 and Move controllers, so it's worth dimming any lights in your room and pulling curtains if you're sitting in direct sunlight.

Better to have everything right in place before you start than have to pause the game because images are going blurry. You can open the quick menu to adjust headset position easily enough, and I found I was doing this as a matter of course for each new game or session I tried. Chances are you'll lose that sweet spot after half an hour or less and have to readjust, which can upset your immersion. You'll find that you need to adjust the headset while playing, and it'll take a few minutes to find that sweet spot. I have one ear lower than the other like some kind of mutant but it's not a problem. You can also recenter the screen once it's on your face by holding the Options button down for two seconds, and you'll probably spend a fair bit of time tweaking the fit depending on how weird your head is. The cool rubber that sits around your eyes and nose is comfortable too, especially for those of us who wear glasses, and there's very little light able to creep in. It rests more on your head and back of the skull, supporting the weight of the unit rather than it hugging your face. The headset also sits more comfortably on your head than the Vive, which tends to grip your face like a pair of scuba goggles. But being able to adjust the headset screen and push it forward and back feels great. Getting the headset screen and vision right takes a little bit more tweaking as it's a personal set-up. If you struggle to set this up you shouldn't be allowed around plug sockets, basically. It's a great example of smart product design and idiot-proof clarity.

Anyone who's tampered with a PC recently or calibrated the convoluted HTC Vive will appreciate a step-by-step walkthrough without any complications. Every cable is labelled and the printed instructions are a big old floor book that basically says "do this, fool". If you struggle to set this up you shouldn't be allowed around plug sockets." "It's a great example of smart product design and idiot-proof clarity. It's an everyman approach that always serves Sony well and offers plenty of room for growth depending on who picks up the PS VR after the excitement of the initial launch calms down.Īfter 10 days playing with the unit and multiple virtual reality games there's a lot to discuss, from comfort and accessibility down to individual games and whether VR has a real future on consoles. While HTC Vive and Oculus Rift have grabbed the imagination of the development and hardcore PC gaming community, PS VR is unashamedly aimed at the traditional console player and surrounding family, where pop culture brands like Batman, Star Wars and Call of Duty can have a home alongside experimental games and novelty experiences. PlayStation VR arrives tomorrow, the first home virtual reality unit designed for a mainstream market.

Throw on the headset and you're in a different world within seconds.